Sunday, March 10, 2013

Eat Drink Man Woman - A Moveable Feast

That opening scene in Eat Drink Man Woman, directed by one of my favorites, Ang Lee, always makes me happy. I know the guy is gutting fish and cutting up all sorts of other life form, but it's such a life-affirming scene to me. I love all the sounds and images of food preparation, all the steam and the frying. But what I didn't like is the part when the Chinese music comes on. I think the music takes away from the significance of the everyday moment and trivializes it, somehow, because it's such a typical Chinese tune. Here's what I'm referring to:

Ang Lee is a great director, so I'm not trying to criticize him, because I think it would be too boring for a mainstream audience if the music didn't come on. So I understand why he had the music. But I've always felt that the music took away from the meditative quality of the scene. I wanted to somehow take the music out of that scene, but I don't have the editing equipment to do so. Instead, I edited in other scenes of food prep in the movie with the opening scene and that's where the clips come from for this WRDSNDIMG creation. As for the quote, it's from the book A Moveable Feast by Hemingway.

That quote has always stayed with me. I guess the obvious connection to the movie and the quote is that they both have to do with food, but that's actually not why I brought them together to create this WRDSNDIMG. I think the more obvious visual for the quote from A Moveable Feast would be an overcast scene of a beach or something, like that. At least that's what I often envision in my mind when I hear that quote. I always picture sand, even though I think he's at a cafe or something in the book, I don't remember.

To me, the connection between these two entities is that they're both give me a similar life-affirming feeling and a sense of renewal, and, of course both appeal to the senses. I'm not sure if this WRDSNDIMG did much in terms of moving you. My favorite part is the end starting with "to make plans" and then the music comes on and the dough balls are released into the oil, as if they're going on a journey. At least that's what I think about in my head when I see that image.

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